Saying goodbye is never an easy thing to, especially when you’ve had such a strong connection to somebody or something. However one can find oneself in a situation where not saying goodbye could mean the end of your individuality.
I recently had a tarot card reading done, and it revealed something rather interesting – I am learning to be my own mother. In other words, I am learning when to say no, because something isn’t good for me. Now for those who know me (and hopefully love me) that isn’t something I would normally do.
I mean in the past my motto was, is it good for me – No. Will it be fun – Ok let’s do it. This however has taught me some invaluable lessons, lessons that I will carry with me for life, some in the form of physical scars and some in the form of mental scars. The point is the damage was done!
And apparently I am now learning to think beyond the fun factor and look at the bigger picture. The problem that I have with that is that I seem to have gathered a group of people around me that only know me in a certain way, and that cause a problem. No one wants to be rejected by their friends or family but it stands to reason that they grouped themselves with you because they saw something in you that they themselves could use or learn from. So when you change from being the wild, throw caution to the wind kind a girl, into the I have to be home by 11 to get my 8 hours of sleep, people tend to feel like they don’t know you.
And it is of my opinion that when that happens you should cut cords and move on. And that isn’t always the easiest thing to do, as I’m sure most of you reading this will be able to testify to. So how exactly are you supposed to do that? Do you just walk away or have the cheese and Wine discussion – It’s not you it’s me? I personally believe that, that is the cowards way to do things and that when one decides to leave someone in the past that you should have the balls to face the bull head on and say I can’t have you in my life anymore. Easier said than done. Trust me I know, I usually just change my number, move to another house and duck behind something when you see that person.
BUT, and this is a big but, what if mentally you didn’t say goodbye.

The dreaded day, the day where everything will go wrong, you will forget to put your bra on, and then wear a white shirt. And just as you’re about to enter your OPEN PLAN office, someone inexplicably throws a bucket of water in your direction and completely drenches you from head to toe. And what do you know, as you look up your director is standing there looking at you like you’re a 20$ hooker prowling for some clients…
Well people, I say Fuck it!! Its just another day, as a matter of fact I woke up this morning in a brilliant mood, Traffic was great. I’m not having a bad hair, wardrobe or make-up day!! My serotonin levels are sky high and it would seem that people love me more than usual today… hahahaha
No seriously, I am having a fan f#cking tabulas day and if anyone tries to bring me down I will MSN SLAP them!!!
So I leave you with a thought!!!
PS, C ya’ll at Qba lata, and remember wear you’re A game!
So this has been something that has been weighing heavily on my heart for quite awhile now…
I hate facebook!!!! I think it’s absolutely terrible! It’s online dating pretending to a reunion site. And I’ve tried getting into this whole new craze that has all my friends hooked, but alas, I find no joy in it. Yes a couple of people have found me, and I’ve found a couple of people – however I still have nothing to say to them, I mean what can you possible say to someone that you haven’t spoken to in 7 years. You stopped calling them for a reason remember.
The only facebook does for me is it actually takes the need to phone a friend to find out how they are doing away mainly because you can just log in and check their status. And while you’re there, check out what movies they’ve seen, what they thought of them what they still want to see. You can catch up on how they look by browsing their recently added pics and therefore erasing all human contact.
And then to top it off you have people poking you the whole time, and when you ask them why they have no reason. WTF is up with that, and then you have random strangers sending you friend requests?
From my experience, people who do that have some form of impairment that prevents them from going out and making real friends. I don’t have that problem; as a matter of fact I seem to pick up friends like it’s a crazy winter sale at the loony farm.
Now I have threatened to delete my profile and then everyone asked me not to? They couldn’t give me a reason, except that they will miss my online profile… OMG people if you are so keen to find out how I’m doing pickup the GD phone.!!!
That’s it Facebook is going down!!!
I hate facebook!!!! I think it’s absolutely terrible! It’s online dating pretending to a reunion site. And I’ve tried getting into this whole new craze that has all my friends hooked, but alas, I find no joy in it. Yes a couple of people have found me, and I’ve found a couple of people – however I still have nothing to say to them, I mean what can you possible say to someone that you haven’t spoken to in 7 years. You stopped calling them for a reason remember.
The only facebook does for me is it actually takes the need to phone a friend to find out how they are doing away mainly because you can just log in and check their status. And while you’re there, check out what movies they’ve seen, what they thought of them what they still want to see. You can catch up on how they look by browsing their recently added pics and therefore erasing all human contact.
And then to top it off you have people poking you the whole time, and when you ask them why they have no reason. WTF is up with that, and then you have random strangers sending you friend requests?
From my experience, people who do that have some form of impairment that prevents them from going out and making real friends. I don’t have that problem; as a matter of fact I seem to pick up friends like it’s a crazy winter sale at the loony farm.
Now I have threatened to delete my profile and then everyone asked me not to? They couldn’t give me a reason, except that they will miss my online profile… OMG people if you are so keen to find out how I’m doing pickup the GD phone.!!!
That’s it Facebook is going down!!!
Taking yourself off the market…
Taking time after a long relationship is always advised, well after you’ve taken the time to have a rebound relationship that is. But how the time should be spent or how long it should last is always debatable.
There are chicks out there that only need about three weeks to get over the only man they’ll ever love – and then looky there, they meet another man - the only one they’ll ever love.
That seems to be the trend these days, especially in young woman. They’re all looking to get hitched, and as soon as possible too! They don’t care how it looks, what it does, or how it makes her feel they just want marry it. It can treat her like shit, cheat on her and display general dickhead characteristics and yet the second it proposes all is well with the world.
In todays society young woman are expected to have a career, and want to develop it to its full potential, be feminine yet tough, know exactly what she wants out of life and yes – still wanna get married and have babies. A while ago I was having an interesting conversation with an acquaintance of mine regarding this very subject, and she commented that its every little girls dream to dress up in a white dress and get married.
Now this got me thinking, seeing as it really wasn’t one of my little fantasies while growing up. I never sat day dreaming about the day I would say YES!
Yes, I will honour and obey in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer – BLAH BLAH BLAH… I always imagined myself in my own house, with a little gold fish named Marvin sipping some delicious vino, while reading a good book or finishing off a painting. Me not the fish…
I am of the opinion that although girls of today are raised to want a career, they still dress us only in pink and give us dolls and strollers to play with while the boys get Lego and remote control cars. I think that in itself in meant to teach us how to be the one that takes care of the kids.
Which brings me back to my original point; I am of that age now, when everybody wants to know when I’m getting a boyfriend, or when I’m getting married? When people ask me whether I have a special someone and I answer no, they get that sad look on they’re faces.
I am the first to admit that I have some issues to sort out, and well let’s just say that my time after the rebound boyfriend is going on its 3rd year. But for Bob’s sake people I’ve gotten this far n my life without a BF holding my hand. I have loved someone enough to make me cry and I’m sure he won’t be the last. But since when has it become a sin to single?
Who decided this?
There are chicks out there that only need about three weeks to get over the only man they’ll ever love – and then looky there, they meet another man - the only one they’ll ever love.
That seems to be the trend these days, especially in young woman. They’re all looking to get hitched, and as soon as possible too! They don’t care how it looks, what it does, or how it makes her feel they just want marry it. It can treat her like shit, cheat on her and display general dickhead characteristics and yet the second it proposes all is well with the world.
In todays society young woman are expected to have a career, and want to develop it to its full potential, be feminine yet tough, know exactly what she wants out of life and yes – still wanna get married and have babies. A while ago I was having an interesting conversation with an acquaintance of mine regarding this very subject, and she commented that its every little girls dream to dress up in a white dress and get married.
Now this got me thinking, seeing as it really wasn’t one of my little fantasies while growing up. I never sat day dreaming about the day I would say YES!
Yes, I will honour and obey in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer – BLAH BLAH BLAH… I always imagined myself in my own house, with a little gold fish named Marvin sipping some delicious vino, while reading a good book or finishing off a painting. Me not the fish…
I am of the opinion that although girls of today are raised to want a career, they still dress us only in pink and give us dolls and strollers to play with while the boys get Lego and remote control cars. I think that in itself in meant to teach us how to be the one that takes care of the kids.
Which brings me back to my original point; I am of that age now, when everybody wants to know when I’m getting a boyfriend, or when I’m getting married? When people ask me whether I have a special someone and I answer no, they get that sad look on they’re faces.
I am the first to admit that I have some issues to sort out, and well let’s just say that my time after the rebound boyfriend is going on its 3rd year. But for Bob’s sake people I’ve gotten this far n my life without a BF holding my hand. I have loved someone enough to make me cry and I’m sure he won’t be the last. But since when has it become a sin to single?
Who decided this?
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