The dreaded day, the day where everything will go wrong, you will forget to put your bra on, and then wear a white shirt. And just as you’re about to enter your OPEN PLAN office, someone inexplicably throws a bucket of water in your direction and completely drenches you from head to toe. And what do you know, as you look up your director is standing there looking at you like you’re a 20$ hooker prowling for some clients…
Well people, I say Fuck it!! Its just another day, as a matter of fact I woke up this morning in a brilliant mood, Traffic was great. I’m not having a bad hair, wardrobe or make-up day!! My serotonin levels are sky high and it would seem that people love me more than usual today… hahahaha
No seriously, I am having a fan f#cking tabulas day and if anyone tries to bring me down I will MSN SLAP them!!!
So I leave you with a thought!!!
PS, C ya’ll at Qba lata, and remember wear you’re A game!
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