Sometimes people look at me and all they see is a wishy washy day dreamer, a scattered person with no direction in her life. And I suppose it’s their right to think of me whatever they want. And I will be honest by saying that sometimes I prefer it that way. As a matter of fact the only time I don’t like it is when people don’t take me seriously for that very reason.
I pride myself in the fact that I always try and look deeper than what’s on the surface, as a matter of fact I can’t help looking deeper. So this message is one of slight anger towards people who think they are so intelligent and people who think they can possible know me.
How dare you look at me, and put me into a stereotype. All you see is a girl with long black hair and the Goth label jumps out, and your mind is fixed with some pathetic explanation of how and what gothic people are. You look at my friends and you immediately assume drug addict? When you ask me what my favourite colour is and I answer blue and it just happens to be a complete different colour to when you asked me 5 months earlier you label me liar!!! What gives you the right to look at me when I’m crying and tell me not to cry because I’m manipulating you? How dare you assume that I must be really bad with numbers just because I can paint? What gives you the right deduct that I am a rich snob, just because I choose not to mingle with you and who died gave you the right to think that I’m stupid just because I have nothing to say about your boring topic of conversation.
When did it become the norm to be such and asshole?
To all those people, this is all I have to say: Your narrow-mindedness in life will catch up with you one day, (and as Karma is the biggest bitch known) I will be there to witness how you have locked yourself into a small colour-coded box, surrounded by 50 replicates of one person representative of your whole friendship circle, doing math and wishing you were high just to escape your own reality!!
I am not perfect but I am willing to wage my mothers’ life on the fact that neither are you! I have not stopped planning my perfect life and every morning when I wake up, I am reborn. I have no hopes, and more ambitions. And yes, I have a new favourite colour!!! That’s who I am!!!! I don’t ask anyone else to change so stop putting me into a little category box!
You have so much to say about me, most of it negative, but my granddad always used to say that the tallest trees get the most wind. So sod off!!!!
I don’t go to sleep to dream!!! I live my dreams!
Chicks or Dicks? That is the question…
Now before all the perverts get excited this is only a PG 13 kinda blog.
This has to do with the different dynamics between you and your girlfriends and you and your boy friends. I just had a conversation with one of my friends, who had gotten herself into a bit of pickle…
Here’s the problem, so girl meets boy while out with all her other friends… Boy falls for girl and then all the friends disappear. Now people this happens, I mean, I’ve recycled friends for this very reason so many times, I can’t keep track of who I used to be friends with.
However as we all know relationships fizzle out, the day will come when you have very little to say to one another. And then you start looking around to see where all your friends went and realize that they are gone. And this is where the shit hits the fan… You NEED new friends and you need them rather urgently or you will commit murder or worse try to fabricate conversation with your less than perfect, boring counterpart…
So now that your friends have left and you have no one to talk to or more importantly get drunk with. You start doing stupid things like latch on to the employee everyone has learnt to avoid. It starts all innocently and you just invite her to a braai (I call that the pity Invite) and it all snowballs from there, suddenly she is going on holiday with you, and she is going in her terms…
Now although you don’t have much to say to your BF that still doesn’t give her the right to tart herself out to him, or to display general slag characteristics around you. But alas that is exactly what happens. So now you have to choose chicks or Dicks?
Now ladies, take some advice from me, and never ever form “Desperation Friendships” they’re dangerous, and these people are usually leaches!!!! Friendship is like every other thing in life, and this is how you should weigh it up. If it (whatever IT might be) doesn’t add to life positively then chuck it, you will be wasting your time, money and energy, and you might even be wasting your tears. And I am off the opinion that tears should be saved for special occasions only, like the birth of your child or the day your daughter gets married.
And that is all I have to say on the subject.
This has to do with the different dynamics between you and your girlfriends and you and your boy friends. I just had a conversation with one of my friends, who had gotten herself into a bit of pickle…
Here’s the problem, so girl meets boy while out with all her other friends… Boy falls for girl and then all the friends disappear. Now people this happens, I mean, I’ve recycled friends for this very reason so many times, I can’t keep track of who I used to be friends with.
However as we all know relationships fizzle out, the day will come when you have very little to say to one another. And then you start looking around to see where all your friends went and realize that they are gone. And this is where the shit hits the fan… You NEED new friends and you need them rather urgently or you will commit murder or worse try to fabricate conversation with your less than perfect, boring counterpart…
So now that your friends have left and you have no one to talk to or more importantly get drunk with. You start doing stupid things like latch on to the employee everyone has learnt to avoid. It starts all innocently and you just invite her to a braai (I call that the pity Invite) and it all snowballs from there, suddenly she is going on holiday with you, and she is going in her terms…
Now although you don’t have much to say to your BF that still doesn’t give her the right to tart herself out to him, or to display general slag characteristics around you. But alas that is exactly what happens. So now you have to choose chicks or Dicks?
Now ladies, take some advice from me, and never ever form “Desperation Friendships” they’re dangerous, and these people are usually leaches!!!! Friendship is like every other thing in life, and this is how you should weigh it up. If it (whatever IT might be) doesn’t add to life positively then chuck it, you will be wasting your time, money and energy, and you might even be wasting your tears. And I am off the opinion that tears should be saved for special occasions only, like the birth of your child or the day your daughter gets married.
And that is all I have to say on the subject.
Compliments to SA MUSIC!!!!!
Ok, so the very select few who know me in person will know that I love music. Now people in saying that I realize that there are very few people out there that take the stance that they hate music… But I love music. I think that if I wasn’t also a talented sports person, music studies would have taken a preference. And in my defense I can also add that I only date musicians.
Now, my favourite bands include the brilliant Pearl Jam, Collective Soul, Radiohead and Tool amongst others. And I am very selective when it comes to selecting CD’s. I would however like to say that I think SA music has outperformed the International performers as of late. I mean OMG… It blows my mind how talented these people are. I must admit that after Fetish broke up and moved away, I thought we were all doomed. And it’s needless to say that it’s not like my favourite bands come to Sunny SA often and I was dreading nights at home with the light off and the CD player on full volume pretending to be at one of their concerts.
I am glad to announce that with likes of Parlotones, Josie Field( whom I joined at the Radium on Sat) Prime Circle, Niemand, Wonderboom, Louise Carver and Harris Tweed I will no longer have to annoy my neighbours with my loud music.
Seriously people, I am in awe, I am dumbstruck. These people are amazing!!! They are competing in an international arena! Like I said I went to the Radium Beer Hall on Sat to support Josie. And this girl is amazing. Her voice range is incredible and well her stage presence is absolutely towering! I am a fan.
I really think that SA peeps can really get behind their own homegrown bands and start supporting these people!!!!!
Anyways, Thanx to Josie Field for a brilliant CD and the nice note on the one I bought! Looking to catch you again soon!!!
Now, my favourite bands include the brilliant Pearl Jam, Collective Soul, Radiohead and Tool amongst others. And I am very selective when it comes to selecting CD’s. I would however like to say that I think SA music has outperformed the International performers as of late. I mean OMG… It blows my mind how talented these people are. I must admit that after Fetish broke up and moved away, I thought we were all doomed. And it’s needless to say that it’s not like my favourite bands come to Sunny SA often and I was dreading nights at home with the light off and the CD player on full volume pretending to be at one of their concerts.
I am glad to announce that with likes of Parlotones, Josie Field( whom I joined at the Radium on Sat) Prime Circle, Niemand, Wonderboom, Louise Carver and Harris Tweed I will no longer have to annoy my neighbours with my loud music.
Seriously people, I am in awe, I am dumbstruck. These people are amazing!!! They are competing in an international arena! Like I said I went to the Radium Beer Hall on Sat to support Josie. And this girl is amazing. Her voice range is incredible and well her stage presence is absolutely towering! I am a fan.
I really think that SA peeps can really get behind their own homegrown bands and start supporting these people!!!!!
Anyways, Thanx to Josie Field for a brilliant CD and the nice note on the one I bought! Looking to catch you again soon!!!
Taking Time...
Taking time after a long relationship is always advised, well after you’ve taken the time to have a rebound relationship that is. But how the time should be spent or how long it should last is always debatable.
There are chicks out there that only need about three weeks to get over the only man they’ll ever love – and then looky there, they meet another man - the only one they’ll ever love.
That seems to be the trend these days, especially in young woman. They’re all looking to get hitched, and as soon as possible too! They don’t care how it looks, what it does, or how it makes her feel they just want marry it. It can treat her like shit, cheat on her and display general dickhead characteristics and yet the second it proposes all is well with the world.
In todays society young woman are expected to have a career, and want to develop it to its full potential, be feminine yet tough, know exactly what she wants out of life and yes – still wanna get married and have babies. A while ago I was having an interesting conversation with an acquaintance of mine regarding this very subject, and she commented that its every little girls dream to dress up in a white dress and get married.
Now this got me thinking, seeing as it really wasn’t one of my little fantasies while growing up. I never sat day dreaming about the day I would say YES!
Yes, I will honour and obey in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer – BLAH BLAH BLAH… I always imagined myself in my own house, with a little gold fish named Marvin sipping some delicious vino, while reading a good book or finishing off a painting. Me not the fish…
I am of the opinion that although girls of today are raised to want a career, they still dress us only in pink and give us dolls and strollers to play with while the boys get Lego and remote control cars. I think that in itself is meant to teach us how to be the one that takes care of the kids.
Which brings me back to my original point; I am of that age now, when everybody wants to know when I’m getting a boyfriend, or when I’m getting married? When people ask me whether I have a special someone and I answer no, they get that sad look on they’re faces.
I am the first to admit that I have some issues to sort out, and well let’s just say that my time after the rebound boyfriend is going on its 3rd year. But for Bob’s sake people I’ve gotten this far in my life without a BF holding my hand. I have loved someone enough to make me cry and I’m sure he won’t be the last. But since when has it become a sin to single?
Who decided this? Please ladies…
There are chicks out there that only need about three weeks to get over the only man they’ll ever love – and then looky there, they meet another man - the only one they’ll ever love.
That seems to be the trend these days, especially in young woman. They’re all looking to get hitched, and as soon as possible too! They don’t care how it looks, what it does, or how it makes her feel they just want marry it. It can treat her like shit, cheat on her and display general dickhead characteristics and yet the second it proposes all is well with the world.
In todays society young woman are expected to have a career, and want to develop it to its full potential, be feminine yet tough, know exactly what she wants out of life and yes – still wanna get married and have babies. A while ago I was having an interesting conversation with an acquaintance of mine regarding this very subject, and she commented that its every little girls dream to dress up in a white dress and get married.
Now this got me thinking, seeing as it really wasn’t one of my little fantasies while growing up. I never sat day dreaming about the day I would say YES!
Yes, I will honour and obey in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer – BLAH BLAH BLAH… I always imagined myself in my own house, with a little gold fish named Marvin sipping some delicious vino, while reading a good book or finishing off a painting. Me not the fish…
I am of the opinion that although girls of today are raised to want a career, they still dress us only in pink and give us dolls and strollers to play with while the boys get Lego and remote control cars. I think that in itself is meant to teach us how to be the one that takes care of the kids.
Which brings me back to my original point; I am of that age now, when everybody wants to know when I’m getting a boyfriend, or when I’m getting married? When people ask me whether I have a special someone and I answer no, they get that sad look on they’re faces.
I am the first to admit that I have some issues to sort out, and well let’s just say that my time after the rebound boyfriend is going on its 3rd year. But for Bob’s sake people I’ve gotten this far in my life without a BF holding my hand. I have loved someone enough to make me cry and I’m sure he won’t be the last. But since when has it become a sin to single?
Who decided this? Please ladies…
Senseless Violence
I watched the Carte Blanche special the other night (26 September 2007) about all the violent crimes and senseless murders in our country. And it shocked me to my core. The Directors comments afterwards really got me thinking.
What he basically said was the following: South Africans have a tendency to only care when it hits home. When it happens to your brother, sister or other family member. We have become so numb when it comes to violence that unless it happens to someone we care about, then we don’t even bat an eyelid.
When did all this happen, when did we lose all respect for life in general?
I like to think of myself as a very caring person – It really gets to be me to see that in last year alone we had over 17 000 murders in our little country. Although, doesn’t that sound rather impersonal when we put it like that. 17 000 murders – It de humanizes it! Now I’m sorry, but shouldn’t we rather be saying that someone’s grandmother died, or that a 4 year olds mom was raped and murdered - for the one ring she had on her finger – that wasn’t worth much to begin with.
Shouldn’t we be saying that a person, who meant just as much to someone else as my mom to me, was shot!! We live in a beautiful country with so much potential. We are a great nation, with so much to offer ourselves and the world, but I look around me and all I see is hatred and prejudice.
People living in fear, to scared to buy something because tomorrow it will be stolen. And when you are hijacked or tied up on the bed while they ransack your house, all we say is at least they didn’t kill you!!
That is such a bullshit remark, ‘at least they didn’t kill you’. What people don’t understand is that the more the criminals get to do that, the more they do Kill you, they murder your confidence, they murder your ability to trust and respect other people, they murder your future dreams to perhaps bring kids into this world.
People, I think we should stop avoiding the situation and start talking about it, stop pointing fingers to apartheid and stop thinking that criminals are defined by their skin colour! Stop pointing the finger and take an active stand! If we need to educate more, then we need educate more, if we need to create more safe havens for kids to grow up in to keep them out of the hands of gangsters, murderers or rapists then that is what we need to do.
What he basically said was the following: South Africans have a tendency to only care when it hits home. When it happens to your brother, sister or other family member. We have become so numb when it comes to violence that unless it happens to someone we care about, then we don’t even bat an eyelid.
When did all this happen, when did we lose all respect for life in general?
I like to think of myself as a very caring person – It really gets to be me to see that in last year alone we had over 17 000 murders in our little country. Although, doesn’t that sound rather impersonal when we put it like that. 17 000 murders – It de humanizes it! Now I’m sorry, but shouldn’t we rather be saying that someone’s grandmother died, or that a 4 year olds mom was raped and murdered - for the one ring she had on her finger – that wasn’t worth much to begin with.
Shouldn’t we be saying that a person, who meant just as much to someone else as my mom to me, was shot!! We live in a beautiful country with so much potential. We are a great nation, with so much to offer ourselves and the world, but I look around me and all I see is hatred and prejudice.
People living in fear, to scared to buy something because tomorrow it will be stolen. And when you are hijacked or tied up on the bed while they ransack your house, all we say is at least they didn’t kill you!!
That is such a bullshit remark, ‘at least they didn’t kill you’. What people don’t understand is that the more the criminals get to do that, the more they do Kill you, they murder your confidence, they murder your ability to trust and respect other people, they murder your future dreams to perhaps bring kids into this world.
People, I think we should stop avoiding the situation and start talking about it, stop pointing fingers to apartheid and stop thinking that criminals are defined by their skin colour! Stop pointing the finger and take an active stand! If we need to educate more, then we need educate more, if we need to create more safe havens for kids to grow up in to keep them out of the hands of gangsters, murderers or rapists then that is what we need to do.
Sold my past...
I recently got wind of something absolutely terrible. Time Out in Greenside has been sold!!! This really sent a shiver down my spine.
I used to frequent the place rather often seeing as I studied just up the road. I remember rocking up there just as they opened and I would be their only customer for about 3 hours every morning. I made friends with all the waitresses, and had some really fun conversations in that little Bistro.
So it stands to reason that I would be absolutely shocked to hear that the owners G & G had gone and sold the place. Just like that!! It kinda got me thinking and well what I came up with wasn’t pleasant at all.
How easy it is for us to lose ourselves in days, I remember vividly finishing off a painting in Time-Out just before deadline. The day that Greensides’ very own sad accident guy (can’t remember his name) started talking to the tree and then offered me a siggie - when the tree declined of course. Sitting there with my big Chinese friend John, talking crazy and drinking vodka orange juice at 11am during our lunch break.
How I used to sit and chat to Rasta dude – who by the way was one of the most talented graffiti artists ever. And this all happened 6 years ago. How sick is that? I’ve always meant to go back there and visit the place, and take some new friends, but I never really had the time. So I never did. And now it would seem that it’s too late.
Time flies, and heals all wounds, well I disagree I say that it wounds all heals. Time goes by so quickly and it doesn’t wait for you to do the things you really still mean or want to do. Now the problem and the justification for my statement is the following:
Let’s say you did all these great things and you really laughed until you cried. And you fought with such passion. And as the years went by you became more and more submissive. You stopped going to the zoo, and you just couldn’t be bothered to take a walk and breathe life in.
And bit by bit people are selling of your past and getting rid of your memories, and you never bothered to laugh until you cried or fight with such passion again. What then, you can’t go and tell someone that you love them so much it hurts… it just doesn’t have the same effect if you say that you LOVED them so much it hurt. And that hurts.
I used to frequent the place rather often seeing as I studied just up the road. I remember rocking up there just as they opened and I would be their only customer for about 3 hours every morning. I made friends with all the waitresses, and had some really fun conversations in that little Bistro.
So it stands to reason that I would be absolutely shocked to hear that the owners G & G had gone and sold the place. Just like that!! It kinda got me thinking and well what I came up with wasn’t pleasant at all.
How easy it is for us to lose ourselves in days, I remember vividly finishing off a painting in Time-Out just before deadline. The day that Greensides’ very own sad accident guy (can’t remember his name) started talking to the tree and then offered me a siggie - when the tree declined of course. Sitting there with my big Chinese friend John, talking crazy and drinking vodka orange juice at 11am during our lunch break.
How I used to sit and chat to Rasta dude – who by the way was one of the most talented graffiti artists ever. And this all happened 6 years ago. How sick is that? I’ve always meant to go back there and visit the place, and take some new friends, but I never really had the time. So I never did. And now it would seem that it’s too late.
Time flies, and heals all wounds, well I disagree I say that it wounds all heals. Time goes by so quickly and it doesn’t wait for you to do the things you really still mean or want to do. Now the problem and the justification for my statement is the following:
Let’s say you did all these great things and you really laughed until you cried. And you fought with such passion. And as the years went by you became more and more submissive. You stopped going to the zoo, and you just couldn’t be bothered to take a walk and breathe life in.
And bit by bit people are selling of your past and getting rid of your memories, and you never bothered to laugh until you cried or fight with such passion again. What then, you can’t go and tell someone that you love them so much it hurts… it just doesn’t have the same effect if you say that you LOVED them so much it hurt. And that hurts.
Out with the old and in with the new!
I used to think that living by that phrase is so cruel. We should value tradition and hold on to the old and stick things through. However, I can safely say that I have changed my mind. Why stick with something that has stopped giving you joy a really long time ago?
I can’t understand that kind of thought pattern. I mean you stick to what you’re used to. Even when what you’re used might be a load of crap. People stay in the same neighborhood for years and years although they’ve been burgled on average 9 times a year. But move – NEVER.
Woman and men stay in the same boring unfulfilling relationship until their souls die. But breakup – NEVER.
I love change and the inspiration behind this blog: My new Samsung SHG-U700. Ok, so going from Nokia to any other phone is major. I mean you get used to a certain flow on your cell phone. Driving on the Highway at 140km’s an hour and still being able to text your mate is a real achievement. And then well the thought of not having the same flow scares the shit outta you. I say no more. I refuse to be trapped in or with something that I don’t want.
If I hadn’t decided to take the plunge and move to a Samsung phone, I never would have understood the joys that the unknown can give. Hehehe, ok so that’s a tad dramatic. But seriously, I say thank you to Nokia for thinking that they have no need to up their game in the cell phone market and for sticking to the same ol’ same!!
I can’t understand that kind of thought pattern. I mean you stick to what you’re used to. Even when what you’re used might be a load of crap. People stay in the same neighborhood for years and years although they’ve been burgled on average 9 times a year. But move – NEVER.
Woman and men stay in the same boring unfulfilling relationship until their souls die. But breakup – NEVER.
I love change and the inspiration behind this blog: My new Samsung SHG-U700. Ok, so going from Nokia to any other phone is major. I mean you get used to a certain flow on your cell phone. Driving on the Highway at 140km’s an hour and still being able to text your mate is a real achievement. And then well the thought of not having the same flow scares the shit outta you. I say no more. I refuse to be trapped in or with something that I don’t want.
If I hadn’t decided to take the plunge and move to a Samsung phone, I never would have understood the joys that the unknown can give. Hehehe, ok so that’s a tad dramatic. But seriously, I say thank you to Nokia for thinking that they have no need to up their game in the cell phone market and for sticking to the same ol’ same!!
Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye is never an easy thing to, especially when you’ve had such a strong connection to somebody or something. However one can find oneself in a situation where not saying goodbye could mean the end of your individuality.
I recently had a tarot card reading done, and it revealed something rather interesting – I am learning to be my own mother. In other words, I am learning when to say no, because something isn’t good for me. Now for those who know me (and hopefully love me) that isn’t something I would normally do.
I mean in the past my motto was, is it good for me – No. Will it be fun – Ok let’s do it. This however has taught me some invaluable lessons, lessons that I will carry with me for life, some in the form of physical scars and some in the form of mental scars. The point is the damage was done!
And apparently I am now learning to think beyond the fun factor and look at the bigger picture. The problem that I have with that is that I seem to have gathered a group of people around me that only know me in a certain way, and that cause a problem. No one wants to be rejected by their friends or family but it stands to reason that they grouped themselves with you because they saw something in you that they themselves could use or learn from. So when you change from being the wild, throw caution to the wind kind a girl, into the I have to be home by 11 to get my 8 hours of sleep, people tend to feel like they don’t know you.
And it is of my opinion that when that happens you should cut cords and move on. And that isn’t always the easiest thing to do, as I’m sure most of you reading this will be able to testify to. So how exactly are you supposed to do that? Do you just walk away or have the cheese and Wine discussion – It’s not you it’s me? I personally believe that, that is the cowards way to do things and that when one decides to leave someone in the past that you should have the balls to face the bull head on and say I can’t have you in my life anymore. Easier said than done. Trust me I know, I usually just change my number, move to another house and duck behind something when you see that person.
BUT, and this is a big but, what if mentally you didn’t say goodbye.
I recently had a tarot card reading done, and it revealed something rather interesting – I am learning to be my own mother. In other words, I am learning when to say no, because something isn’t good for me. Now for those who know me (and hopefully love me) that isn’t something I would normally do.
I mean in the past my motto was, is it good for me – No. Will it be fun – Ok let’s do it. This however has taught me some invaluable lessons, lessons that I will carry with me for life, some in the form of physical scars and some in the form of mental scars. The point is the damage was done!
And apparently I am now learning to think beyond the fun factor and look at the bigger picture. The problem that I have with that is that I seem to have gathered a group of people around me that only know me in a certain way, and that cause a problem. No one wants to be rejected by their friends or family but it stands to reason that they grouped themselves with you because they saw something in you that they themselves could use or learn from. So when you change from being the wild, throw caution to the wind kind a girl, into the I have to be home by 11 to get my 8 hours of sleep, people tend to feel like they don’t know you.
And it is of my opinion that when that happens you should cut cords and move on. And that isn’t always the easiest thing to do, as I’m sure most of you reading this will be able to testify to. So how exactly are you supposed to do that? Do you just walk away or have the cheese and Wine discussion – It’s not you it’s me? I personally believe that, that is the cowards way to do things and that when one decides to leave someone in the past that you should have the balls to face the bull head on and say I can’t have you in my life anymore. Easier said than done. Trust me I know, I usually just change my number, move to another house and duck behind something when you see that person.
BUT, and this is a big but, what if mentally you didn’t say goodbye.

The dreaded day, the day where everything will go wrong, you will forget to put your bra on, and then wear a white shirt. And just as you’re about to enter your OPEN PLAN office, someone inexplicably throws a bucket of water in your direction and completely drenches you from head to toe. And what do you know, as you look up your director is standing there looking at you like you’re a 20$ hooker prowling for some clients…
Well people, I say Fuck it!! Its just another day, as a matter of fact I woke up this morning in a brilliant mood, Traffic was great. I’m not having a bad hair, wardrobe or make-up day!! My serotonin levels are sky high and it would seem that people love me more than usual today… hahahaha
No seriously, I am having a fan f#cking tabulas day and if anyone tries to bring me down I will MSN SLAP them!!!
So I leave you with a thought!!!
PS, C ya’ll at Qba lata, and remember wear you’re A game!
So this has been something that has been weighing heavily on my heart for quite awhile now…
I hate facebook!!!! I think it’s absolutely terrible! It’s online dating pretending to a reunion site. And I’ve tried getting into this whole new craze that has all my friends hooked, but alas, I find no joy in it. Yes a couple of people have found me, and I’ve found a couple of people – however I still have nothing to say to them, I mean what can you possible say to someone that you haven’t spoken to in 7 years. You stopped calling them for a reason remember.
The only facebook does for me is it actually takes the need to phone a friend to find out how they are doing away mainly because you can just log in and check their status. And while you’re there, check out what movies they’ve seen, what they thought of them what they still want to see. You can catch up on how they look by browsing their recently added pics and therefore erasing all human contact.
And then to top it off you have people poking you the whole time, and when you ask them why they have no reason. WTF is up with that, and then you have random strangers sending you friend requests?
From my experience, people who do that have some form of impairment that prevents them from going out and making real friends. I don’t have that problem; as a matter of fact I seem to pick up friends like it’s a crazy winter sale at the loony farm.
Now I have threatened to delete my profile and then everyone asked me not to? They couldn’t give me a reason, except that they will miss my online profile… OMG people if you are so keen to find out how I’m doing pickup the GD phone.!!!
That’s it Facebook is going down!!!
I hate facebook!!!! I think it’s absolutely terrible! It’s online dating pretending to a reunion site. And I’ve tried getting into this whole new craze that has all my friends hooked, but alas, I find no joy in it. Yes a couple of people have found me, and I’ve found a couple of people – however I still have nothing to say to them, I mean what can you possible say to someone that you haven’t spoken to in 7 years. You stopped calling them for a reason remember.
The only facebook does for me is it actually takes the need to phone a friend to find out how they are doing away mainly because you can just log in and check their status. And while you’re there, check out what movies they’ve seen, what they thought of them what they still want to see. You can catch up on how they look by browsing their recently added pics and therefore erasing all human contact.
And then to top it off you have people poking you the whole time, and when you ask them why they have no reason. WTF is up with that, and then you have random strangers sending you friend requests?
From my experience, people who do that have some form of impairment that prevents them from going out and making real friends. I don’t have that problem; as a matter of fact I seem to pick up friends like it’s a crazy winter sale at the loony farm.
Now I have threatened to delete my profile and then everyone asked me not to? They couldn’t give me a reason, except that they will miss my online profile… OMG people if you are so keen to find out how I’m doing pickup the GD phone.!!!
That’s it Facebook is going down!!!
Taking yourself off the market…
Taking time after a long relationship is always advised, well after you’ve taken the time to have a rebound relationship that is. But how the time should be spent or how long it should last is always debatable.
There are chicks out there that only need about three weeks to get over the only man they’ll ever love – and then looky there, they meet another man - the only one they’ll ever love.
That seems to be the trend these days, especially in young woman. They’re all looking to get hitched, and as soon as possible too! They don’t care how it looks, what it does, or how it makes her feel they just want marry it. It can treat her like shit, cheat on her and display general dickhead characteristics and yet the second it proposes all is well with the world.
In todays society young woman are expected to have a career, and want to develop it to its full potential, be feminine yet tough, know exactly what she wants out of life and yes – still wanna get married and have babies. A while ago I was having an interesting conversation with an acquaintance of mine regarding this very subject, and she commented that its every little girls dream to dress up in a white dress and get married.
Now this got me thinking, seeing as it really wasn’t one of my little fantasies while growing up. I never sat day dreaming about the day I would say YES!
Yes, I will honour and obey in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer – BLAH BLAH BLAH… I always imagined myself in my own house, with a little gold fish named Marvin sipping some delicious vino, while reading a good book or finishing off a painting. Me not the fish…
I am of the opinion that although girls of today are raised to want a career, they still dress us only in pink and give us dolls and strollers to play with while the boys get Lego and remote control cars. I think that in itself in meant to teach us how to be the one that takes care of the kids.
Which brings me back to my original point; I am of that age now, when everybody wants to know when I’m getting a boyfriend, or when I’m getting married? When people ask me whether I have a special someone and I answer no, they get that sad look on they’re faces.
I am the first to admit that I have some issues to sort out, and well let’s just say that my time after the rebound boyfriend is going on its 3rd year. But for Bob’s sake people I’ve gotten this far n my life without a BF holding my hand. I have loved someone enough to make me cry and I’m sure he won’t be the last. But since when has it become a sin to single?
Who decided this?
There are chicks out there that only need about three weeks to get over the only man they’ll ever love – and then looky there, they meet another man - the only one they’ll ever love.
That seems to be the trend these days, especially in young woman. They’re all looking to get hitched, and as soon as possible too! They don’t care how it looks, what it does, or how it makes her feel they just want marry it. It can treat her like shit, cheat on her and display general dickhead characteristics and yet the second it proposes all is well with the world.
In todays society young woman are expected to have a career, and want to develop it to its full potential, be feminine yet tough, know exactly what she wants out of life and yes – still wanna get married and have babies. A while ago I was having an interesting conversation with an acquaintance of mine regarding this very subject, and she commented that its every little girls dream to dress up in a white dress and get married.
Now this got me thinking, seeing as it really wasn’t one of my little fantasies while growing up. I never sat day dreaming about the day I would say YES!
Yes, I will honour and obey in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer – BLAH BLAH BLAH… I always imagined myself in my own house, with a little gold fish named Marvin sipping some delicious vino, while reading a good book or finishing off a painting. Me not the fish…
I am of the opinion that although girls of today are raised to want a career, they still dress us only in pink and give us dolls and strollers to play with while the boys get Lego and remote control cars. I think that in itself in meant to teach us how to be the one that takes care of the kids.
Which brings me back to my original point; I am of that age now, when everybody wants to know when I’m getting a boyfriend, or when I’m getting married? When people ask me whether I have a special someone and I answer no, they get that sad look on they’re faces.
I am the first to admit that I have some issues to sort out, and well let’s just say that my time after the rebound boyfriend is going on its 3rd year. But for Bob’s sake people I’ve gotten this far n my life without a BF holding my hand. I have loved someone enough to make me cry and I’m sure he won’t be the last. But since when has it become a sin to single?
Who decided this?
So it all started very polite and innocent:
BoozyT says:Good moaning miss it's such a perfect day!
BoozyT says:In a good mood chicken?
Jozigal says:yep
Jozigal says:and you
BoozyT says:Actually I am just really tired as the past 2 days haven't slept much. Think I have a bit of insomnia coled with thethe flu so tired but happy I guess...
Jozigal says:Shame noodle...
BoozyT says:I know, feel sorry for me too!
Jozigal says:I also didnt sleep well last night ....
Then, down to business - Thursday eve plans...
BoozyT says:why what we doing tomorrow
BoozyT says:Besides it being Champers Thursday taht is
Jozigal says:Champers Thursday
BoozyT says:Yes yes I know but where and what and with who - do we have defintie plannies?
Jozigal says:nope...
BoozyT says:Ok so let's make some...
Jozigal says:YAY...
BoozyT says:Mmm, am thinking about what you said re tonight and I think you are right chicken. There is no way I will manage a late one tonight i.e. finishing at like 11pm and then have a late one tomorrow and Friday. So if it's ok with you then am gonna take a rain check on tonight - can always do a movie on Sat or something?
BoozyT says:Mmm, went to this really awesome Wine Bar last night in the new section of Monte so maybe we could go there? Or somewhere in Parkhurst? Dunno really... What you thunking?
BoozyT says:The baron is awesome and then they get to see an market pub type place...
Jozigal says:Well theyve been there, but they havent been there with the 2 of us...
So why not arrange Friday while we're at it...
BoozyT says:Oh and was thinking about Friday night dude... There is this new place called Cubana which has opened in Cedar Centre - opposite shopping centre where MyGrillMyBar is - and it's awesome. It's like the one t have in Cape Town. Very vibey - kinda like how Qba was when it was in its days. So thought mayeb we could all meet there and then maybe head through to the Mandog - as long as we get in...
BoozyT says:before 10:30pm then you and I are free! What ya think?
Jozigal says:That sound perfecto... and we can discuss it further 2morrow, once we know what we are doing....
BoozyT says:Exactly - but figured that I needed to share the idea with an equal minded individual before I forgot it!
Jozigal says:No, Im up for anything new....
Jozigal says:Bored at the mo....
BoozyT says:Me too - have work but once again couldn't be arsed to do any of it!
BoozyT says:So as we stand at the moment we are heading off to The Baron tomorrow night?
Jozigal says:There is nothing on my social calendar....
BoozyT says:What that the social calendar is bored?
BoozyT says:Or that the people and places in the calendar are boring?
Jozigal says:There is nothing on my social calendar.... mmmm
BoozyT says:Well now there is... See: Tomorrow - Drinks with Americans and ser Clauds. Friday: Drinsk with AMericans, ser Clauds and possibly some other peeps, clubbing and debaucheriuous behaviour at Mandog... Sat - possible movie with ser Clauds... Sun - keep open for possible new found shag buddy... Looks pretty good to me dude
Jozigal says:ooooohhhhh Noodle... What about the grace on the roof....
BoozyT says: Now you are talking... Chicken, you are a GENIUS! Love that idea... Especially if the weather is like it is today... I think we have a plan. What time shoudl we make it though - think we should do it before sunset so that we get to see that as well so I am thinking of somewhere along the lines of 5:30ish. What say use?
Jozigal says:mmmm, well was thinking for tomorrow night... at about 7 ish, but we dont have to sit outside... Or we id they have their sushi special, we can do that on Friday.
BoozyT says:Think we are the shit and are capable of making the best freaking plans ever!
Just some updates on Kalahari
Jozigal says:Well you better be... you can now own Zoolander for a mere R97.95
BoozyT says:No way - that is so awesome! Definitely think we need to purchase Zoolander and She's The Man so we can watch them at our own time and leisure. Forward and Rewinding till we are blue in the face!
BoozyT says:And then we can do it all over again! WOO HOO!
Jozigal says:Well I am buying Dark city...
BoozyT says:Awesome.. K then I will buy Zoolander adn She's The Man - the best part is that I can do it using my ebucks so technically I would have gotten them for free! YAY!
Jozigal says:cool beanies...
Jozigal says:yay
BoozyT says:Super YAY!
Idle moments.... prolly spent doing work...
BoozyT says:Hey noodle pie, you there?
BoozyT says:Have sent PATS invites out on facebook...
Jozigal says:hey chicken
BoozyT says:jambo
Jozigal says:cool got invite and RSVP'd
BoozyT says:Good girl!
Did it burn down or not?
Jozigal says:, just got back from lunch with C and J, I still have a shit load of stuff to do yet I am not in the mood, and its still 2.5 hours to go untill I get to go home... mmmm maybe I should go have a siggie....
BoozyT says:I think that is a brilliant idea - when in doubt, smoke!
BoozyT says:Where'd you go for lunch?
Jozigal says:Europa
BoozyT says:I just had c of so and an apple so am hungry again and toying with the idea of having a chocie...
BoozyT says:THought it burnt down...
Jozigal says:huh... thought what burnt down
BoozyT says:Europa
Jozigal says: in Village walk... uhm nope, still here...
BoozyT says:But taht's waht you told me the other day noodle... Now who's the blonde
Jozigal says:Uhm no I said Espressos....
Jozigal says:but I was misinformed...
BoozyT says: oopsie
Lube anyone?
BoozyT says:Boring bastards!
BoozyT says:Oh well then it shall be the new Fab 4 that shall take over the world, one Josie Field concert at a time! BU HA HA
Jozigal says:cool im in!
BoozyT says:I should hope so - you are after all the brains of this outfit!
Jozigal says:Hey, are you interested in going to the playtex factory shop with me and the sister on sat
BoozyT says:Mmm, why are we shopping for sexy toys.... Do you want to make sexy times?
BoozyT says:I hear t make on helluva lube!
BoozyT says:Sounds like fun, count me in dude!
Jozigal says:... dude, you are so bad.... No, shopping for underwear....
BoozyT says:I said nothing about underwaer - I said sexy times. Since when do sexy times ever require underwear...
BoozyT says:Ok but seriosuly what are we shopping for then?
Jozigal says:Underwear....
Jozigal says:Playtex.... bras.....panties
BoozyT says:But you just said we weren't shopping for underwear
Jozigal says:not lube.... Underwear....
BoozyT says:DUH! I was thinking of Durex!
BoozyT says:Pat the special child!
Jozigal says:Fuck you are hilarious!!!
Jozigal says:People are looking at me like Im insane, pissing myself silly, infront of my PC....
BoozyT says:Dude, I can't believe I sat here thinking that it was a strange girlie bonding thing to do... I know, lets all go shopping for lube! YAY!
BoozyT says:So am I, have just spat snot across my computer! Damn blocked sinuses
Jozigal says:This is too much....
Jozigal says:Cant believe you said yes, youre in, thinking we are going shopping for Lube....
BoozyT says:For one chicken to handle... I'm sure all the boys wished you said that!
BoozyT says:Well I trust you and figured since I had never been in actual sex shop before that it would be entertaining... We could look at vibrators and panties with no holes in them... Mmmm, no wait... Yip, I;m fucked in the head!
BoozyT says:Did think the request was a little odd but then again maybe not... After all we want sexy times!
Jozigal says:dude this is the funniest ever!!!
BoozyT says:I know, am crying some much that I can bearly see the keyboard
BoozyT says:My mind she is in zi gutter...
BoozyT says:So what time we doing Durex?
BoozyT says:FUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK, I mean Playtex!
Jozigal says:At about... mmm I think 11
BoozyT says:Sounds good to me. Allows for some sleepy sleepie time!
Jozigal says:yes, I agree... Just think we should go check it out...
BoozyT says:No totally
BoozyT says:Awesome, actually need some new underwear to make sexy times with
Jozigal says:stop that!!! I cant laugh anymore....
BoozyT says:I can't help it - it's like WORD VOMIT!
BoozyT says:My -chuck refelx is outta control...
BoozyT says:I have problems!
Jozigal says:yes, you are disturbed...
Jozigal says:I like it!!!
BoozyT says:But devastingly attractively disturbed...
BoozyT says:I like it to und I like you! In complete non-lesbian the fanny kinda way
Jozigal says:yeah what ever you wrre way too keen to go Lube shopping with me...
BoozyT says:Dude I have just re-read this entire conversation and it is by far the funniest thing ever! Und quite explicit too. No wonder we are called Scandalious!
BoozyT says:Spandex, Durex, Playtex - t all sound the same!
Jozigal says:I know busy edditing it, and will be posted on my blog in 20min
BoozyT says:Fuck am so going to be doing the same... THis is just too good not to publish!
BoozyT says:Good moaning miss it's such a perfect day!
BoozyT says:In a good mood chicken?
Jozigal says:yep
Jozigal says:and you
BoozyT says:Actually I am just really tired as the past 2 days haven't slept much. Think I have a bit of insomnia coled with thethe flu so tired but happy I guess...
Jozigal says:Shame noodle...
BoozyT says:I know, feel sorry for me too!
Jozigal says:I also didnt sleep well last night ....
Then, down to business - Thursday eve plans...
BoozyT says:why what we doing tomorrow
BoozyT says:Besides it being Champers Thursday taht is
Jozigal says:Champers Thursday
BoozyT says:Yes yes I know but where and what and with who - do we have defintie plannies?
Jozigal says:nope...
BoozyT says:Ok so let's make some...
Jozigal says:YAY...
BoozyT says:Mmm, am thinking about what you said re tonight and I think you are right chicken. There is no way I will manage a late one tonight i.e. finishing at like 11pm and then have a late one tomorrow and Friday. So if it's ok with you then am gonna take a rain check on tonight - can always do a movie on Sat or something?
BoozyT says:Mmm, went to this really awesome Wine Bar last night in the new section of Monte so maybe we could go there? Or somewhere in Parkhurst? Dunno really... What you thunking?
BoozyT says:The baron is awesome and then they get to see an market pub type place...
Jozigal says:Well theyve been there, but they havent been there with the 2 of us...
So why not arrange Friday while we're at it...
BoozyT says:Oh and was thinking about Friday night dude... There is this new place called Cubana which has opened in Cedar Centre - opposite shopping centre where MyGrillMyBar is - and it's awesome. It's like the one t have in Cape Town. Very vibey - kinda like how Qba was when it was in its days. So thought mayeb we could all meet there and then maybe head through to the Mandog - as long as we get in...
BoozyT says:before 10:30pm then you and I are free! What ya think?
Jozigal says:That sound perfecto... and we can discuss it further 2morrow, once we know what we are doing....
BoozyT says:Exactly - but figured that I needed to share the idea with an equal minded individual before I forgot it!
Jozigal says:No, Im up for anything new....
Jozigal says:Bored at the mo....
BoozyT says:Me too - have work but once again couldn't be arsed to do any of it!
BoozyT says:So as we stand at the moment we are heading off to The Baron tomorrow night?
Jozigal says:There is nothing on my social calendar....
BoozyT says:What that the social calendar is bored?
BoozyT says:Or that the people and places in the calendar are boring?
Jozigal says:There is nothing on my social calendar.... mmmm
BoozyT says:Well now there is... See: Tomorrow - Drinks with Americans and ser Clauds. Friday: Drinsk with AMericans, ser Clauds and possibly some other peeps, clubbing and debaucheriuous behaviour at Mandog... Sat - possible movie with ser Clauds... Sun - keep open for possible new found shag buddy... Looks pretty good to me dude
Jozigal says:ooooohhhhh Noodle... What about the grace on the roof....
BoozyT says: Now you are talking... Chicken, you are a GENIUS! Love that idea... Especially if the weather is like it is today... I think we have a plan. What time shoudl we make it though - think we should do it before sunset so that we get to see that as well so I am thinking of somewhere along the lines of 5:30ish. What say use?
Jozigal says:mmmm, well was thinking for tomorrow night... at about 7 ish, but we dont have to sit outside... Or we id they have their sushi special, we can do that on Friday.
BoozyT says:Think we are the shit and are capable of making the best freaking plans ever!
Just some updates on Kalahari
Jozigal says:Well you better be... you can now own Zoolander for a mere R97.95
BoozyT says:No way - that is so awesome! Definitely think we need to purchase Zoolander and She's The Man so we can watch them at our own time and leisure. Forward and Rewinding till we are blue in the face!
BoozyT says:And then we can do it all over again! WOO HOO!
Jozigal says:Well I am buying Dark city...
BoozyT says:Awesome.. K then I will buy Zoolander adn She's The Man - the best part is that I can do it using my ebucks so technically I would have gotten them for free! YAY!
Jozigal says:cool beanies...
Jozigal says:yay
BoozyT says:Super YAY!
Idle moments.... prolly spent doing work...
BoozyT says:Hey noodle pie, you there?
BoozyT says:Have sent PATS invites out on facebook...
Jozigal says:hey chicken
BoozyT says:jambo
Jozigal says:cool got invite and RSVP'd
BoozyT says:Good girl!
Did it burn down or not?
Jozigal says:, just got back from lunch with C and J, I still have a shit load of stuff to do yet I am not in the mood, and its still 2.5 hours to go untill I get to go home... mmmm maybe I should go have a siggie....
BoozyT says:I think that is a brilliant idea - when in doubt, smoke!
BoozyT says:Where'd you go for lunch?
Jozigal says:Europa
BoozyT says:I just had c of so and an apple so am hungry again and toying with the idea of having a chocie...
BoozyT says:THought it burnt down...
Jozigal says:huh... thought what burnt down
BoozyT says:Europa
Jozigal says: in Village walk... uhm nope, still here...
BoozyT says:But taht's waht you told me the other day noodle... Now who's the blonde
Jozigal says:Uhm no I said Espressos....
Jozigal says:but I was misinformed...
BoozyT says: oopsie
Lube anyone?
BoozyT says:Boring bastards!
BoozyT says:Oh well then it shall be the new Fab 4 that shall take over the world, one Josie Field concert at a time! BU HA HA
Jozigal says:cool im in!
BoozyT says:I should hope so - you are after all the brains of this outfit!
Jozigal says:Hey, are you interested in going to the playtex factory shop with me and the sister on sat
BoozyT says:Mmm, why are we shopping for sexy toys.... Do you want to make sexy times?
BoozyT says:I hear t make on helluva lube!
BoozyT says:Sounds like fun, count me in dude!
Jozigal says:... dude, you are so bad.... No, shopping for underwear....
BoozyT says:I said nothing about underwaer - I said sexy times. Since when do sexy times ever require underwear...
BoozyT says:Ok but seriosuly what are we shopping for then?
Jozigal says:Underwear....
Jozigal says:Playtex.... bras.....panties
BoozyT says:But you just said we weren't shopping for underwear
Jozigal says:not lube.... Underwear....
BoozyT says:DUH! I was thinking of Durex!
BoozyT says:Pat the special child!
Jozigal says:Fuck you are hilarious!!!
Jozigal says:People are looking at me like Im insane, pissing myself silly, infront of my PC....
BoozyT says:Dude, I can't believe I sat here thinking that it was a strange girlie bonding thing to do... I know, lets all go shopping for lube! YAY!
BoozyT says:So am I, have just spat snot across my computer! Damn blocked sinuses
Jozigal says:This is too much....
Jozigal says:Cant believe you said yes, youre in, thinking we are going shopping for Lube....
BoozyT says:For one chicken to handle... I'm sure all the boys wished you said that!
BoozyT says:Well I trust you and figured since I had never been in actual sex shop before that it would be entertaining... We could look at vibrators and panties with no holes in them... Mmmm, no wait... Yip, I;m fucked in the head!
BoozyT says:Did think the request was a little odd but then again maybe not... After all we want sexy times!
Jozigal says:dude this is the funniest ever!!!
BoozyT says:I know, am crying some much that I can bearly see the keyboard
BoozyT says:My mind she is in zi gutter...
BoozyT says:So what time we doing Durex?
BoozyT says:FUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK, I mean Playtex!
Jozigal says:At about... mmm I think 11
BoozyT says:Sounds good to me. Allows for some sleepy sleepie time!
Jozigal says:yes, I agree... Just think we should go check it out...
BoozyT says:No totally
BoozyT says:Awesome, actually need some new underwear to make sexy times with
Jozigal says:stop that!!! I cant laugh anymore....
BoozyT says:I can't help it - it's like WORD VOMIT!
BoozyT says:My -chuck refelx is outta control...
BoozyT says:I have problems!
Jozigal says:yes, you are disturbed...
Jozigal says:I like it!!!
BoozyT says:But devastingly attractively disturbed...
BoozyT says:I like it to und I like you! In complete non-lesbian the fanny kinda way
Jozigal says:yeah what ever you wrre way too keen to go Lube shopping with me...
BoozyT says:Dude I have just re-read this entire conversation and it is by far the funniest thing ever! Und quite explicit too. No wonder we are called Scandalious!
BoozyT says:Spandex, Durex, Playtex - t all sound the same!
Jozigal says:I know busy edditing it, and will be posted on my blog in 20min
BoozyT says:Fuck am so going to be doing the same... THis is just too good not to publish!
Fuck it
Ok, so the peeps closest to me would know that I have been having a fucking horrible time as of late... and to top it all off, Blogger decided to lock me out of my blog again.... I spent the past two months trying to get some sort of technical support... and yes, I did check all the help Q's ( not blonde people)
So alas, I created a new account, and in a brief moment of insanity was going to try and copy all my old posts into the new one... That ofcourse didnt work, seeing as I have a really low attention span and subsequently decided to Fuck it... So for those who are interested in my previous posts, please go to I know there arent many... hahaha
Now...just to catch everyone up as to what has been happening with me since Feb...
My gran and dad past away - so I was a bundle of joy, I have stopped talking to my brother so many times, I actually cant remember whether or not we are currently speaking.
I have fallen into a depression about 60 000 times and gotten myself horrible drunk about 61 000 times... So all's good! I would say that my highlight these couple of months past have been the follwoing:
1 - Champagne Thursday was totally embraced by stunning peeps, and the fab four was called into existance to set forth and right the wrongs of this world while looking shit hot and getting totally tonked.
2 - I attended the most beautiful wedding to date, and will never ever forget it as long a I shall live.... (hahahahaha - wedding humour - I rock!)
3 - I've met awesome peeps who I intend keeping contact with for a really long time.
4 - I cut my hair... long over due....
5 - Aber - fell inlove - reluctantly might I add, and I was there to witness the whole incident!!! It was magic! :-)
Yep, thats it.... The highlights so far have been few, but as my tarot explained I am learning to take care of myself. And I am taking stock of my life. hahaha...
I have not fallen inlove, I have not yet found my ideal carreer and I am still trying to find out what it al means.
What I can say is Fuck it! I am just going to party and hope everything works itself out...
So alas, I created a new account, and in a brief moment of insanity was going to try and copy all my old posts into the new one... That ofcourse didnt work, seeing as I have a really low attention span and subsequently decided to Fuck it... So for those who are interested in my previous posts, please go to I know there arent many... hahaha
Now...just to catch everyone up as to what has been happening with me since Feb...
My gran and dad past away - so I was a bundle of joy, I have stopped talking to my brother so many times, I actually cant remember whether or not we are currently speaking.
I have fallen into a depression about 60 000 times and gotten myself horrible drunk about 61 000 times... So all's good! I would say that my highlight these couple of months past have been the follwoing:
1 - Champagne Thursday was totally embraced by stunning peeps, and the fab four was called into existance to set forth and right the wrongs of this world while looking shit hot and getting totally tonked.
2 - I attended the most beautiful wedding to date, and will never ever forget it as long a I shall live.... (hahahahaha - wedding humour - I rock!)
3 - I've met awesome peeps who I intend keeping contact with for a really long time.
4 - I cut my hair... long over due....
5 - Aber - fell inlove - reluctantly might I add, and I was there to witness the whole incident!!! It was magic! :-)
Yep, thats it.... The highlights so far have been few, but as my tarot explained I am learning to take care of myself. And I am taking stock of my life. hahaha...
I have not fallen inlove, I have not yet found my ideal carreer and I am still trying to find out what it al means.
What I can say is Fuck it! I am just going to party and hope everything works itself out...
Never could get the hang of Thursdays…
05 October 2006
Ok, so it’s Thursday… And I’ve already yelled at about 15 people… And this is the amazing part, only one out of the fifteen was some IQ deficient Cow in an orange Fiesta trying to cut me off!!
Yes, that of course means that the rest was all work related… I honestly think that Thursdays need to be erased, it being summer I strongly urge all companies to give their employees Thursdays off to tan or read a good book or something equally relaxing! Never in my life have I consumed 5 cups of tee before 10am… Tee for Bob sakes… I don’t even like tee that much!
I should have stayed in bed!!
However in all honesty it’s not like it came us such a major surprise that today was going to be a complete disaster!!! Some moron started giving me missed calls at 10pm last nite… Oh it gets better – Form a NO NUMBER…
I have officially put an IQ prerequisite on the friend interview sheet! So my eve was filled with restless sleep and horrible dreams… centering around one major theme… My ex… That was the tell tale sign ladies and gents… I haven’t had that mans face in my dreams for ages, and what does the sneaky bastard go and do, he upsets my G.D. Thursday!! Like I needed the help! But I think of myself as grateful so I’ll say thank you very Fucking much!So this leaves me to deal with my horrible Thursday all by my little lonesome…
And I have found a song by the beloved Sheryl Crow that explains exactly how I feel…
Every step of the way
We walk the line
Your days are numbered
So are mine
Time is piling up
We struggle and we scrape
All boxed in
Nowhere to escape
The cities just a jungle
More games to play
I’m trapped in the heart of it
Trying to get away
I was raised in the country
Been working in the town
I been in trouble since I
Set my suitcase down
I aint got nothing for you
I had nothing before
Don’t even have anything
For myself anymore
Skies full of fire
And the rain is pouring down
There’s nothing you can sell me
So Ill see you around
All my powers of expression
And thoughts so sublime
Could never do you justice
Reason or rhyme
There’s only one thing that I did wrong
I stayed in Mississippi a day too long
The devils in the alley
the mule kickin in the stall
Say anything you wanna I’ve heard it all
I was thinking about the things that he said
I was dreaming I was sleeping in your bed
Walking through the leaves falling from the trees
Feel like a stranger nobody sees
So many things we never will undo
I know you’re sorry well I’m sorry too
Some people will offer you their hand and some wont
Last night I knew you tonight I don’t
I need something strong to distract my mind
I’m gonna look at you till my eyes go blind
Well I got here following the southern star
I crossed that river just to be where you are
There’s only one thing that I did wrong
I stayed in Mississippi a day too long
Well my ships been split to splinters its sinking fast
I’m drowning in the poison got no future got no past
But my heart is not weary its light and its free
I’ve got nothing but affection for those who’ve sailed with me
Everybody’s moving if they aint already there
Everybody’s got to move somewhere
Well stick with me baby anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now
My clothes are wet tight on my skin
Not as tight as the corner that I painted myself in
I know that fortune is waiting to be kind
So give me your hand and say you’ll be mine
The emptiness is endless cold as clay
You can always come back but you cant come back all the way
Well there’s only one thing that I did wrong
I stayed in Mississippi a day too long
Yeah the only thing that I did wrong
Was stayed in Mississippi a day too long
The only thing that I did wrong
Was stayed in Mississippi a day too long
Ok, so it’s Thursday… And I’ve already yelled at about 15 people… And this is the amazing part, only one out of the fifteen was some IQ deficient Cow in an orange Fiesta trying to cut me off!!
Yes, that of course means that the rest was all work related… I honestly think that Thursdays need to be erased, it being summer I strongly urge all companies to give their employees Thursdays off to tan or read a good book or something equally relaxing! Never in my life have I consumed 5 cups of tee before 10am… Tee for Bob sakes… I don’t even like tee that much!
I should have stayed in bed!!
However in all honesty it’s not like it came us such a major surprise that today was going to be a complete disaster!!! Some moron started giving me missed calls at 10pm last nite… Oh it gets better – Form a NO NUMBER…
I have officially put an IQ prerequisite on the friend interview sheet! So my eve was filled with restless sleep and horrible dreams… centering around one major theme… My ex… That was the tell tale sign ladies and gents… I haven’t had that mans face in my dreams for ages, and what does the sneaky bastard go and do, he upsets my G.D. Thursday!! Like I needed the help! But I think of myself as grateful so I’ll say thank you very Fucking much!So this leaves me to deal with my horrible Thursday all by my little lonesome…
And I have found a song by the beloved Sheryl Crow that explains exactly how I feel…
Every step of the way
We walk the line
Your days are numbered
So are mine
Time is piling up
We struggle and we scrape
All boxed in
Nowhere to escape
The cities just a jungle
More games to play
I’m trapped in the heart of it
Trying to get away
I was raised in the country
Been working in the town
I been in trouble since I
Set my suitcase down
I aint got nothing for you
I had nothing before
Don’t even have anything
For myself anymore
Skies full of fire
And the rain is pouring down
There’s nothing you can sell me
So Ill see you around
All my powers of expression
And thoughts so sublime
Could never do you justice
Reason or rhyme
There’s only one thing that I did wrong
I stayed in Mississippi a day too long
The devils in the alley
the mule kickin in the stall
Say anything you wanna I’ve heard it all
I was thinking about the things that he said
I was dreaming I was sleeping in your bed
Walking through the leaves falling from the trees
Feel like a stranger nobody sees
So many things we never will undo
I know you’re sorry well I’m sorry too
Some people will offer you their hand and some wont
Last night I knew you tonight I don’t
I need something strong to distract my mind
I’m gonna look at you till my eyes go blind
Well I got here following the southern star
I crossed that river just to be where you are
There’s only one thing that I did wrong
I stayed in Mississippi a day too long
Well my ships been split to splinters its sinking fast
I’m drowning in the poison got no future got no past
But my heart is not weary its light and its free
I’ve got nothing but affection for those who’ve sailed with me
Everybody’s moving if they aint already there
Everybody’s got to move somewhere
Well stick with me baby anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now
My clothes are wet tight on my skin
Not as tight as the corner that I painted myself in
I know that fortune is waiting to be kind
So give me your hand and say you’ll be mine
The emptiness is endless cold as clay
You can always come back but you cant come back all the way
Well there’s only one thing that I did wrong
I stayed in Mississippi a day too long
Yeah the only thing that I did wrong
Was stayed in Mississippi a day too long
The only thing that I did wrong
Was stayed in Mississippi a day too long
An idle mind is the Devils playground!
04 October 2006
So here I am at the big O... Bored outta my mind - again! And what do I start thinking about... Shit!! For some odd reason, I have been making alotta friends through email. I mean I enjoy a good chat just as much as the next girl, but come on guys... what’s the world coming to? Where did good old normal interaction go? I like the way you look, you like the way I look - and as the “Britts” would say - Fancy a snog? But nooo, not today peeps, today we are seduced by the informalities of cyber conversation. It’s so easy to just chat to someone and when they bore you just pretend that you don’t get their emails anymore, or even better you just completely block them on MSN... And let’s face it, no one likes rejection, it doesn’t matter in what shape it gets wrapped up in - no one likes it! Back to the Shit I was thinking... So here we are meeting new people everyday, most of them seemingly normal, and we chat our little hearts out and we are enjoying each others conversation so much... Intellectually this person is giving you exactly what you need... But what happens when there is nothing else to say... And what happens if there is no other reason to continue on in this manner? Now don’t get me wrong, I love chatting, and I love finding out about people especially the opposite sex, without any kind of sexual interference. So far I have only managed to maintain normality with G, aka Cyber Friend. My question however is how long can you chat to someone in an orderly non drunken state and still find them to sooooo interesting... Is there a time limit or do I have a really short attention span? My concern is that at some point they want to take you out to dinner and not meet you for dinner… And start calling you Angel, and sweet soul… What does that mean? The conversation suddenly heads straight into the twilight zone…
Here’s an actual example…
Hows your next week Tuesday - am I coming to pick you up and see your dungeon?
ME: LOL... you are on top form today... Ok, I have diarized it... But please do be warned... I am rather miserable as of late. You keep on wanting to see me on a Tuesday... Is there any reason for that? I wonder?
WK: Tuesday is the day were the tree dwelling dolphin from camp tweela emerges to embrace the saxophone playing seahorses from cumbria.its my special nite
ME: I am sorry but I have no idea what that means... What makes Tuesdays so special?
WK: Heheheh nothing sweet soul - I guess it's just a nite were i on a balance of probabilities do the least. What makes you so special?
ME: I honestly don’t know why you think I am so special... Maybe you can tell me... Because I honestly don’t think I am...
WK: It must be those big brown eyes that are deceiving me then… either even the coldest, longest winter will always end with a spring…..pearl jam– it’s all good
Now seriously what the hell does that mean???? What do I say to that?? Do I quote another song…? Do I pull a homer and crawl under the blankets and silently pray that it will go away???
I am truly confused… Is this a date or are we friends? *Scared look*
So here I am at the big O... Bored outta my mind - again! And what do I start thinking about... Shit!! For some odd reason, I have been making alotta friends through email. I mean I enjoy a good chat just as much as the next girl, but come on guys... what’s the world coming to? Where did good old normal interaction go? I like the way you look, you like the way I look - and as the “Britts” would say - Fancy a snog? But nooo, not today peeps, today we are seduced by the informalities of cyber conversation. It’s so easy to just chat to someone and when they bore you just pretend that you don’t get their emails anymore, or even better you just completely block them on MSN... And let’s face it, no one likes rejection, it doesn’t matter in what shape it gets wrapped up in - no one likes it! Back to the Shit I was thinking... So here we are meeting new people everyday, most of them seemingly normal, and we chat our little hearts out and we are enjoying each others conversation so much... Intellectually this person is giving you exactly what you need... But what happens when there is nothing else to say... And what happens if there is no other reason to continue on in this manner? Now don’t get me wrong, I love chatting, and I love finding out about people especially the opposite sex, without any kind of sexual interference. So far I have only managed to maintain normality with G, aka Cyber Friend. My question however is how long can you chat to someone in an orderly non drunken state and still find them to sooooo interesting... Is there a time limit or do I have a really short attention span? My concern is that at some point they want to take you out to dinner and not meet you for dinner… And start calling you Angel, and sweet soul… What does that mean? The conversation suddenly heads straight into the twilight zone…
Here’s an actual example…
Hows your next week Tuesday - am I coming to pick you up and see your dungeon?
ME: LOL... you are on top form today... Ok, I have diarized it... But please do be warned... I am rather miserable as of late. You keep on wanting to see me on a Tuesday... Is there any reason for that? I wonder?
WK: Tuesday is the day were the tree dwelling dolphin from camp tweela emerges to embrace the saxophone playing seahorses from cumbria.its my special nite
ME: I am sorry but I have no idea what that means... What makes Tuesdays so special?
WK: Heheheh nothing sweet soul - I guess it's just a nite were i on a balance of probabilities do the least. What makes you so special?
ME: I honestly don’t know why you think I am so special... Maybe you can tell me... Because I honestly don’t think I am...
WK: It must be those big brown eyes that are deceiving me then… either even the coldest, longest winter will always end with a spring…..pearl jam– it’s all good
Now seriously what the hell does that mean???? What do I say to that?? Do I quote another song…? Do I pull a homer and crawl under the blankets and silently pray that it will go away???
I am truly confused… Is this a date or are we friends? *Scared look*
04 October 2006
Damn the short weekends!
Ok... Being back at work really sucks big time!!! I long for another loooong weekend... And well… was mine a piss up of note!! I tell you by Monday morning it felt like my liver was trying to crawl up my spine with one thing in mind!!! "Strangle the Brain!!" I was roasted, toasted and flipped over 'bout twenty times to make sure that I was cooked right through!!!
OMG… Why oh why I ask myself!!! But nonetheless a fab weekend it was.On Friday, I had a birthday party in the city most feared by all Jozi girls… I vaguely remember making a comment a while back to one of my mates that you have to be completely drunk to go there… Yes, the dreaded PTA, with all the khaki wearing freaks (Barring Sweet of course she is a doll!!!) pretending to be the pinnacle of modern civilization! Well after getting lost on my way to the farm(Appropriately named by Sweet), and yelling at just about everyone I know, cursing and swearing like the pirate I am, I arrived, headed straight for the vino and camped out there, making friends left, right and centre. I really enjoyed myself!!!And let’s just say that I did myself proud!
Also made a fan I might add… Lol… Aber and I have defs not lost our mojo! All hail the mighty mojo…Saturday brought an interesting, dare I say new development in my normal usual just getting pissed with Aber and some of our alter egos, talking drunk and falling over… I had a different visitor… Back to what happened… I woke up completely hung, looking like the Crypt keeper, and not being able to string a proper sentence together, when I got a Sms from my new Cyber Friend. (My other cyber friends, who I have managed to keep at bay for going on 2 years – hate this guy.
To be quite honest most of my guy friends don’t like this situa at all) Anyways we were going to do the meeting thing in the privacy of my very own home – take note that I thought this one thru, a Jozi girl cant be safe anywhere anymore, but ponder this for a moment… My house, where I know where to find my hockey stick, the braai utensils and the butchers’ knife… I honestly couldn’t think of a safer place to be. And the way I was feeling after Friday, I actually just couldn’t go anywhere…
So CF came to my house, we got drunk, had a nice enough little bonding session and basically all I can really remember and I cannot be sure that it happened is that we had a conversation about my toes… (Very confused look on my face), hugged bye twice and he left…And that left me with my Sunday…mmm restful Sunday…. I splashed outta bed, and spilled on some clothes and headed straight to the Video store…
Aber joined me and we headed straight for the vino. That’s when she made the shocking truth known to me… She has a knob… I laughed so much, that my jaw started hurting… Why now I ask, why tell me this now??? Then we pissed ourselves together... She had in actual fact bumped her head, and meant that she now has a bump… Never a dull moment when we get together…My Monday arrived and I was (thanx to the Jewish religion) at home atoning in a BIG way for my sins… I moaned, I groaned and drank soooooo much water that I could barely walk!
And then it was over, just like that! Bloody short weekends!! And that’s what brings me to my first statement!!! Ok... Being back at work really sucks big time!!!
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